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Listing of future projects that have been dreamed of

November 11, 2010
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  • Comic Sans (salvaging it. can’t decide if it’s worth it. It’s actually driving me nuts. The same idea must be in a package/narrative/context that lets it stand on its own).
  • Anti-dictionary. (Final form undecided, but in process and fine. Narrative built in, interestingly. Possible variation: two anti-dictionaries, one at the beginning and at the end of the thesis, showing how definitions have changed. Problem: how much care to devote to dictionary finding).


Now/Near future

  • The Randomizer (Blergh. A lot of programming and coding makes me want to avoid the beast. Everyone wants more from it as well, which I don’t really understand. As in, I agree with them, but don’t understand, if that makes any sense. Also the fact that there have been a shitload of other projects makes me nervous about what I can bring to the table.)
  • The Shrinking Browser. (Browser shrinks as you browse more frenetically. Love this one, though enthusiasm for it amongst others seems less. Again, coding and programming and dealing with web things makes this something to avoid. Faces same issues as the Randomizer. “And then what?” I don’t know and then what. That’s what.)
  • Anti-guidebook. (Per Kenya Hara. Probably to be done in the realm of Visual Language’s final project, coming very very soon. Hopefully with some sort of anti-map. Have a vague lack of enthusiasm for this which needs to be resolved. Possibly from it being not a 100 percent MY idea. Dumb, I know. But enthusiasm is key.)


Just germs of an idea

  • Skyscraper reflection wall paper. (Extremely early phases, unclear if will go anywhere. Can’t figure it out at all, but I think there’s something to it. Narrative will be a huge issue.)
  • Anti-bulletin board. I don’t even know what that even means. Does that have to mean posters piled on top of each other? I love it, but it’s so boring. But something about bulletin boards being permanent. I hope gluing doesn’t have to be involved: once glue is involved, you’ve already lost. Possibly just feeds into the signage system described below.

Identities. Like Comic Sans, a long term obsession, so this should probably be tackled soon, to get it over with.

  • The truly neutral identity/anti-identity: a graphic identity using Craigslist and google visual language. I like this because I really don’t know the answer: can things ever be truly neutral? Obvs not, but I think this might be a much better try than most efforts.
  • The absent identity: identity based on die-cuts. In stationary, posters, etc. Seems cool but also too hokey for my tastes. Not sure if possible to salvage.

Signage. I have no clue why I have so much signage systems ideas. (Only two, but two is way more than I’d ever expected. I think it was Kenya Hara and his signage examples: they are pretty fantastic.) Way too many for my tastes, but let’s roll with it. Am reconsidering Copenhagen in light of all the signage business.

  • Signage based on bulletin board forms. The bulletin board as symbol of community: made bigger, emphasized. I am very intrigued, but no concrete visual language yet, so possibly impossible.
  • Signage based on series of die-cuts.  I’ve seen art projects that (re-)orchestrate your view of the city using multiple planes with die cuts. If you stand in one space you will see a different city. Something similar. Very excited about this, though it’s not for now. Either extraordinarily brilliant or impossible. Not to be approached in the near future, however.


Not sure if I feasibly have the competence to make these actually happen.

  • Self-destroying wallet. Wallet that is ripped apart as you spend money. Along the theme of the browser. And the dictionary. I have some ideas for how I’d do it DIY style, but we’re also aiming for rich, which is where I’m at a loss. A rich sort of destruction? What?
  • Toilet paper as high design. I think this is all but abandoned at this point, but may as well list it out. Interestingly, Kenya Hara included a high end toilet paper in Designing Design. I wanted to print art on toilet paper but it’s too easy. ALTHOUGH: it makes me and others laugh. So there’s something to it. Now I’m getting re-excited about it. Souvenir museum toilet paper? I think there’s something to it, but I haven’t a clue how to approach it.



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